What’s wrong with the Kalam Cosmological Argument?

The Kalam argument is essentially that every action has a cause, and that an infinite set of cause/effect events can only stretch from an exact starting point into the future (e.g if yesterday you launched a rocket into space on an infinite journey).  It proposes we cannot have an infinite number of events in the past because the current event will always be waiting for an infinite number of prior events to complete. Any amount of events could logically occur, […]

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DawahMan – 11 Rhetorical devices in 3 words of the Quran

On the London Dawah Movement’s last show (Fridays at 7pm UK time) there was some brief talk about the linguistic miracle of the Quran.  It was claimed that there are 11 rhetorical statements in only 3 words in the Quran.  Someone later emailed me and asked me what my opinion was on this claim, so I watched the video link they had provided. My immediate impression was that Imran was doing a lot of talking without actually saying anything; it […]

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Islam, and sex with 9 year old brides

In this post I intend to provide some references as to why Muslims, such as Hamza Tzortzis, condone sexual intercourse with females as young as 9 years old.  Before providing those references I would like to point out a few things. As far as I am aware, Muslims must operate within the laws of their hosting country as long as they do not force them to break Islamic laws.  This would mean that no Imam in the UK should perform […]

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