Al Andalus and the golden age of Islam (Convivencia)

I’ve just read this cringe worthy article by Mehdi Hasan. Then there is Ayaan Hirsi Ali. The Somali-born author, atheist and ex-Muslim has a new book called Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now. She’s been popping up in TV studios and on op-ed pages to urge Muslims, both liberal and conservative, to abandon some of their core religious beliefs while uniting behind a Muslim Luther. I have not read Ayaan’s book so I don’t know exactly what the core […]

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Abdullah Al Andalusi, BBC The Big Questions and Islamic apostasy

Abdullah Al Andalusi was a guest on BBC’s The Big Questions show this Sunday (15th of March 2015, Series 8 episode 10) to discuss the subject “Do British Muslims have a problem with apostates?”  He was clearly unhappy with how things went on the show and was quick to write a blog post criticising reviewing the experience. I thought I would criticise his criticisms review his review. I’ve just finished the BBC ‘Big Questions’ program. It was, as expected, an anti-Islam […]

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Just for the record – Memorising the Quran

During a discussion with a guy named Shabir he proposed the Quran was a unique book because it had been learned off by heart by so many people.  He argued this was because it’s divine author had deliberately made it easy to learn. Although he said he didn’t think this proved the divine origin of the book he argued that it begs the question. Obviously this is non-sequitur. If the book is easy to learn it doesn’t prove anything other […]

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What’s wrong with the Kalam Cosmological Argument?

The Kalam argument is essentially that every action has a cause, and that an infinite set of cause/effect events can only stretch from an exact starting point into the future (e.g if yesterday you launched a rocket into space on an infinite journey).  It proposes we cannot have an infinite number of events in the past because the current event will always be waiting for an infinite number of prior events to complete. Any amount of events could logically occur, […]

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Scorning the Prophet is an act of violence – Tim Winters in The Telegraph

Tim Winters, also known as Abdal Hakim Murad, is a British Muslim theologian and broadcaster. To some he might only be known for video footage in which he explains how homosexuality is an “inherent aberration” and how homosexuals themselves are “ignorant people who don’t know what their bodies are for” (See here) The video footage is 15-20 years old and Timothy Winters has apologised for the offence caused by his statements and has distanced himself from them, although I’ve yet […]

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Blasphemy and the BBC

Recently I read this excellent article on the BBC news website by the historian Tom Holland.  Once again the BBC have not published  examples of the cartoons that caused the offence.  Personally I think it is important to show these kinds of images so that people can get a fuller idea of what exactly what was perceived as so offensive that it resulted in the murder of twelve people,  It is important that people see these images so they can be […]

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Apostasy in Islam

Here are my notes on apostasy from my recent discussion with Abdullah al-Andalusi Quran verses Q4.89 They long that ye should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that ye may be upon a level (with them). So choose not friends from them till they forsake their homes in the way of Allah; if they turn back (to enmity) then take them and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them Q4.90 Except those who […]

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Mormon visits: Episode 8

Read 7th visit Text messages since our last meeting Me: Nice chatting with you yesterday! Me: I have just sent a copy of one of your images to an Egyptologist named Joann Fletcher, who works in the archaeology department at the university of York. Do you remember you said you would be willing to consider the possibility that the Book of Mormon was invented by Joseph Smith? What do you think the implications might be if his translations turn out […]

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Mormon visits: Episode 7

Read 6th visit Text messages since last visit: Me: Hi guys. Are you going to drop in this Egyptian stuff for me? Just thought, I can meet you and photograph it, that would take no time/effort at all. (June 24th) (No reply) My Mormon friends didn’t turn up last Monday, it seems our weekly meetings may have come to an end. However, they turned up out of the blue tonight (June 25th). They apologised for turning up without arranging it […]

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Mormon visits: Episode 6

Read 5th visit Text messages since our last visit. Me: Hi guys. I’ve been preparing for a debate on Islam/tolerance so not had time to read more of your book since we last met. Are we meeting tonight? I’m sorry I hurt your feelings last week. Them: Hi Peter. We have a landlord inspection later tonight and our rooms are less than tidy. If we do get time then it won’t be for as long as usual. (They didn’t turn […]

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