The Rationaliser – A Trouble Maker

Although the term “Trouble Maker”, recently attributed to me by Hamza Tzortzis, was not meant as a compliment I cannot help but take it was one.  I certainly do take pride in causing trouble against an organisation that has members who promote sex with nine year old brides and beating one’s wife.  If these are the genuine held views of these people then they certainly should be exposed, on the other hand if this is no more than a misunderstanding […]

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The peacock problem – Part 2

So now I am responding to this post which was a “hasty response” to my explanation of why I think Jamie needs to learn from his mistakes. In response to @therationaliser who criticises my blog piece (here) with the intended view of saying it was my fault for creating a sexual atmosphere or perhaps setting a precedent for the wolf whistling of women. I did not say it was the fault of Jamie, nor did I imply it.  What I […]

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The Peacock Problem: Response

This is a response to this blog post. Women are clearly presented as sexual objects in our society.  I’ve tried to help my son to see through it, and my wife would very much like to do some kind of travelling school lesson for boys on the subject. Boys of this age are moving into a new social arena.  They are starting to see the sexual side of their existence, trying to make themselves attractive to the opposite gender without […]

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Could Muhammad have split the moon in two?

Context You may know that I once met some Muslim proselytisers and have since stayed in touch with one of them.  We occasionally chat via email and I really enjoy or correspondences.  He doesn’t try to convince me Islam is true, he tries to understand why I do not think that it is.  I greatly appreciate and enjoy his approach. He recently wrote and asked what I thought of the miracle claim that Muhammad performed a miracle and split the […]

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Questions Muslim proselytisers won’t answer

It seems there are some questions that are too difficult for certain people to answer. The first one is with regards to Hamza Tzortzis and his views on sex with 9 year old brides.  Having sat in front of an audience and told them that under the right circumstances it is okay for an adult male to have sex with his 9 year old bride he now seems very coy about discussing the issue.  The only brief correspondence we had […]

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Islam, and sex with 9 year old brides

In this post I intend to provide some references as to why Muslims, such as Hamza Tzortzis, condone sexual intercourse with females as young as 9 years old.  Before providing those references I would like to point out a few things. As far as I am aware, Muslims must operate within the laws of their hosting country as long as they do not force them to break Islamic laws.  This would mean that no Imam in the UK should perform […]

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iERA finally renounce Quran scientific miracles

iERA sent a small delegation of proselytisers to the world atheist convention in Dublin 2011.  During this event claims were made for information in the Quran which pre-dated modern scientific discovery, including mountains stablising the Earth’s crust via isostasy and microscopic level knowledge of the embryonic stages of human development. Since then there has been a change in position.  In this article Hamza (chief researcher for iERA) states that he has since changed his position completely and no longer holds this view.  The […]

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Why the word Islamophobia should not be used

I’ve been meaning to update this entry for some time. Although I still agree with some of the points (for example, more people anti-Muslim racist bigots than Islamophobic), I have changed my mind on the validity of appending “ophobia” to “Islam”. A phobia is not only an irrational fear, it is also an aversion to. A good way to think of this is hydrophobic materials. Material doesn’t have the ability to think, so cannot possibly hold an irrational fear, so […]

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Shooting stars, Jinns, and the Quran – Happy Ramadan!

I’m waiting for a system update to complete, so seeing as I have some free time and it is the start of Ramadan I thought I’d write down something that I originally planned for a video but now find I don’t have the time to create. Perseids The Perseids /ˈpɜrsiːɨdz/ are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle. The Perseids are so-called because the point from which they appear to come, called the radiant, lies in the constellation Perseus. The name derives in part from the word Perseides (Περσείδες), a […]

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Does the Quran permit sex with slaves?

After a short exchange with a guy named “Tanvir Chowdhury” on Twitter Tanvir wrote a detailed response as to why he thinks sex with slaves is not endorsed by the Quran.  I shall quote Tanvir’s response and intersperse my comments. Does #Islam permit a #Muslim man to have sex with his slaves in addition to his legal wives? Those arguing it does, frequently cite the #Quran, verses 23:5-6 as support for their position. These verses as translated by Yusuf Ali reads:“Who abstain from sex,Except with […]

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